Back Pain

The back is a well-designed structure made up of bone, muscles, nerves and other soft tissue.  The back is particularly vulnerable to injury and back pain can be disabling.  Pain felt in your lower back may come from the spine, muscles, nerves, or other structures in that region.  It may also radiate from other areas like your mid or upper back, a hernia in the groin, or a problem in the testicles or ovaries.

Low back pain is the #2 reason that Singapore and Malaysia sees their doctor - second only to colds and flu.

Possible causes
small fractures to the spine due to osteoporosis
degeneration of the risks
muscle spasm (very tense muscles that remain contracted)
ruptured or herniated disk
spinal stenosis narrowing of the spinal canal
strain or tears to the muscles or ligaments supporting the back
other medical conditions like fibromyalgia

You are at particular risk for low back pain if you:
work in construction or another job requiring heavy lifting, lots of bending and twisting or whole body vibration (like truck driving or using a sandblaster)
have bad posture
are pregnant
are over age 30
smoke, don’t exercise or overweight
have arthritis or osteoporosis
have a low pain threshold
feel stressed or depressed

Back pain from organs in the pelvis or elsewhere include:
bladder infection
kidney stone
ovarian cancer
ovarian cysts

testicular torsion

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