
Constipation or irregularity is a condition of the digestive system where a person experiences hard faeces that are difficult to pass out.  It may be extremely painful, and in severe cases lead to symptoms of bowel obstruction.  Normally, the waste products of digestion are propelled through your intestines by muscle contractions.

In the large intestine, most of the water and salt in this mixture is reabsorbed because they are essential for many of your body’s function.  If too much water is absorbed or if the waste move too slowly, you may become constipated.

Possible signs and symptoms
irregular bowel movement, have abdominal bloating or discomfort.

Possible causes

Not enough fibre in the diet.  Lack of physical activity (especially in the elderly), stress, medication, irritable bowel syndrome, changes in life or routine such pregnancy, aging, travel stress, abuse of laxative, ignoring the urge to have a bowel movement, dehydration, specific disease or conditions such as stroke, problems with the colon and rectum, problems with intestinal function (chronic idiopathic constipation).

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