
Eczema is an itchy inflammation of the skin associated to a varying degree with other features such as:-

redness of affected areas of skin
generally dry skin which is often thickened in the areas that have been scratched
lumps or blisters in affected areas
signs of superficial infection such as weeping or crusty deposits

The classification system is far from perfect as it is often difficult or impossible to accurately say what causes eczema to occur in any one person.

Main groups of Eczema
Atopic: the ‘allergic’ type often seen in people who also have hay fever or asthma.  It affects 10-20% of schooldchildren

Allergic contact: due to skin contact to a substance to which the individual is sensitive.  The same substance does not cause eczema in a person who is not sensitive to it.

Irritant contact: due to skin contact with irritating chemicals, powders, cleaning agents, etc.  Contact with such a substance is likely to cause eczema in any person, although a degree of individual variation still exists.

Discoid: appears as discrete islands of eczema on a background of normal skin.

Seborrhoeic: in infants appears in a nappy area and the scalp.  In adult, also appears on the scalp and in the skin creases between the nose and sides of the mouth.  Can be caused by yeast infection.

Others: a miscellaneous group including eczema of the legs caused by varicose veins and pompholyx - an intensely itchy form located on the hands and composed of small or sometimes largs blisters.

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