Breast Cancer

Breast cancer (malignant cancerous growth) is the most common cancer among women in Singapore and Malaysia with about 1,000 women diagnosed every year.  There is a significant increase of breast cancer in Singapore, in average of about 3% every year.

The risk of breast cancer increase with age, it is uncommon in women before 40 years old. 70% of all breast cancers are diagnosed in women above 40 years old.

However, if the breast cancer is detected early, the 5 years and beyond survival rate is about 95%.  There is probably no answer to what causes breast cancer, researches believe, the female sex hormone estrogen (promote cell growth in the tissues) is the most likely culprit in many cases of the breast cancer.

Possible risk factors
age and gender
genetic factors
early menstruation and late menopause
oral contraceptives (birth control pills)
hormone replacement therapy (HRT) has been shown to increase the risk
alcohol consumption
chemical radiation

Breast self-examination
is very important on a monthly basis after age 20, at the same point in your menstrual cycle, preferable the first week after the menstrual period ends.

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